Résidences en cours
Résidences passées
Chloé Philippon
Chloé is a passionate and committed multimedia journalist on environmental issues. Currently in Master 2 at Paris-Saclay University, she specializes in issues related to Global warming, exploring the challenges of ecological transition through various narrative formats.
His career is rich and multidisciplinary, combining media, research, live and audiovisual performances. Within the production company Another Vision, she contributed to the creation of videos on ecological transition for ADEME and the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region. Her taste for transmission through images also led her to the Photo report and the production of documentaries.
In 2024, she participated in a Report for Arte on the forests of Bosnia-Herzegovina, consolidating its commitment to immersive and impacting visual information. Through his work, Chloé seeks to raise awareness and document environmental changes. with a sensitive and informed approach.
Residency project
Thanks to his gaze of reporter and documentary filmmaker, Chloé will bring an immersive approach rooted in reality to the documentary creation residency. Sensitive to territorial dynamics of adaptation and transformation, she will explore the question of sustainable tourism by bringing to light local challenges and solutions through testimonies, field observations and a strong visual narration.
Son personal attachment to the Côte d'Azur and his admiration for his natural and cultural heritage will make this residence a real artistic and human adventure. This intimate relationship with the territory will allow him to capture the essence of the landscapes and interactions that shape the region.
Forte de ses in-depth knowledge on the climate and its research in ecological transition, she will adopt a global vision of the subject, by questioning the environmental impacts of tourism and by highlighting sustainable initiatives that reinvent the relationship between visitors and fragile ecosystems.
His journalistic approach, combining rigor and narrative sensitivity, will offer a reading nuanced and engaging sustainable tourism, intended to challenge and raise the awareness of the viewer.